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"The object of the Patrol Method is to give responsibility to the Scout." - Lord Robert S.S. Baden-Powell
"Never do for a boy what he can do for himself." - The Scoutmaster’s Handbook
Patrol leadership cycles run from Dec. 1st to May 31st AND June 1st to Nov. 30th.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) occurs in November and May (prior to each new cycle of scout leaders.)
*Two registered adult leaders (21 years of age or over) are required at all Scouting activities, including troop meetings and patrol meetings.
Bear Patrol * Hawk Patrol * Ninja Patrol
*For current patrols and PLC, contact the Scoutmaster.
Patrols run from 06.01 to 11.30 and 12.01 to 05.31
Patrol Leaders:
*Contact your patrols via Scoutbook messaging
(uncheck the BCC column so everyone knows who received your message)
The PLC is the troop’s elected and duly appointed governing body. Resting on their shoulders is the planning, preparation, and presentation of the troop’s Scouting program. It’s up to them to see that the promise of Scouting is delivered.
NYLT is an intensive leadership course conducted in the outdoors. As members of an NYLT patrol, Scouts and Venturers learn the tools of leadership... experiencing the patrol method first-hand as they camp, cook, eat, work, and learn to play the "Game of Scouting." * In order to attend NYLT courses, a youth must have the following qualifications by the beginning of the course: Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit. Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C. Must be at least 13. Must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST.) Must earn the First Class rank before attending NYLT. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience. Have a unit leader recommendation.
The first-ever college credit for BSA Leadership Course that offers college credit.
Held at West Virginia University: The NYLT Leadership Academy has long been a program for premier leaders in the Boy Scouts of America and has focused on the fundamental skills of instruction and evaluation as a way to build strong leaders and teachers. This summer that program takes the next step in delivering an exceptional program through a partnership with West Virginia University. The NYLT Leadership Academy is now open to any Scout who has completed National Youth Leadership Training at their home council. Completing NYLT is a prerequisite to attending the Leadership Academy.
This is the ultimate training experience for youth leaders, both young men and women. It is conducted for older Scouts who have the potential for being on the staff of the council junior leader training or youth leader training conference. The NAYLE program takes place at the Rayado Ridge Leadership Camp, approximately 8 miles from base camp and situated in the beautiful foothills viewing Urraca Mesa and Crater Peak. Who May Participate? To be able to participate in NAYLE, participants must meet the following requirements: Successful completion of Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Crews (ILST or ILSC) and National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). Be in top physical condition; a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record is required. Be 14 years of age (or 13 years of age and completed the 8th grade) and not yet 18 (for Scouts) or 21 (for Venture Scouts.)
Hold a unit leadership position.